How Much Does it Cost to Get a Tan at the Tanning Center in Boise, Idaho?

Are you looking for the perfect tan for sunbathing or a soft and silky spray tanning experience? Look no further than the tanning center in Boise, Idaho! Located at 801 East Parkcenter Blvd, this Palm Beach branch offers a variety of comfortable Premier Rewards memberships with loungers and no sun. Whether you're a local business or an individual, you can find the perfect tanning plan for you. For individuals, we offer no-contract Corporate Unlimited membership plans. These plans are designed to give you the best value for your money. You can choose from a variety of packages that include unlimited tanning sessions, discounts on products, and more.

With these plans, you can enjoy the perfect tan without breaking the bank. For businesses, we offer Premier Rewards memberships. These memberships come with a variety of benefits such as discounts on products and services, free tanning sessions, and more. With these plans, you can get the perfect tan for your employees without having to worry about contracts or long-term commitments. No matter what your needs are, the tanning center in Boise, Idaho has something for everyone. Whether you're looking for a perfect tan for sunbathing or a soft and silky spray tanning experience, our beauty product has something for everyone.

Visit us today to find out more about our tanning packages and how we can help you get the perfect tan.